Original Sculptures For Sale from Eva Kunze
Black Heart 2018 | Sculpture | Black wax | 19 x 13 x 8 cm

Watch the Video Black Heart from Eva Kunze

Suppressed elements emerge – the unexpected and the uncanny – and all the time a big heart is pounding loudly – a recurring element in Kunze’s works to which she has also dedicated an separate series of paintings, as well as producing plump, bulging objects in blue or black wax. All of these ascribe to the significance of the role: the heart – life itself, striving for connectivity. Who are we? And how do we come together? Eva Kunze links the inner world with its shifting situations and intangible emotions with everyday experiences, impressions and social issues. (Konstantin Alexiou, Journalist und Art Market Journalist, 2020.)


Original Skulpturen Kaufen von Eva Kunze
Verbunden (Blue Heart), 2019 | Sculpture | blue wax | 19 x 13 x 8 cm
Originale Wandskulpturen für Kunstsammler kaufen
Time is running fast, 2020 | Wall Sculpture | Black wax on wood | 24 x 24 x 1,7 cm
Kunstobjekte online kaufen
Veiled. 2011 | Barbie doll | Black wax | 30 x 10 x 7 cm
Kleinplastik aus einer Barbie Puppe von Eva Kunze
Veiled. 2011 (Detail) | Barbie doll | Black wax | 30 x 10 x 7 cm